The "Ptaki Śląska – Birds of Silesia" is a scientific journal issued since 1982, previously under the title „Dolina Baryczy – Barycz Valley” (1982-1984). In 1982-2010 it was published by the Department of Birds Ecology (Wrocław University), and since 2011 the issuing was continued annually by the Upper Silesian Ornithological Society (Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom). The "Ptaki Śląska – Birds of Silesia" publish original ornithological papers on biology, ecology, migration, abundance and distribution of wild birds especially from Silesia and bordering regions.The journal is essentially in Polish with English abstracts and keywords. The papers may be published also in English language. All papers are double-blind peer-reviewed. The journal is indexed in Zoological Record, AGRO and Index Copernicus. Since 2013 "Ptaki Śląska – Birds of Silesia" is listed among scored scientific journals by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Strona powstała ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego stanowiących pomoc de minimis w ramach programu "Index Plus" (projekt nr IxP 0256 2012)